
Showing posts from March, 2020

Healthy Pet Food ⎢Dr. Marty Goldstein ⎢Martha Stewart

Martha and veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein share some human foods that could benefit your dog's health. The Martha Stewart channel offers inspiration and ideas for creative living. Use our trusted recipes and how-tos, and crafts, entertaining, and holiday projects to enrich your life.

الفرق بين كلاب الروت وايلر و الهاسكي rotvayler and husky dogs


معلومات هامة عن كلاب الهاسكي السيبيرية || Siberian Husky

معلومات عن كلاب الهاسكي كلاب الهاسكي قد اخذت انتباه الجميع ، فهي المفضلة لدي الفنانين والكتاب ومنتجي الافلام، , مواهبها المذهلة وحجمها الرشيق وقدرتها علي التعلم مذهلة للغاية , 1 اهم النقاط عن كلاب الهاسكي 2 تاريخ كلاب الهاسكي : 3 شخصية كلاب الهاسكي : 4 صحة كلاب الهاسكي : 5اختيار كلاب الهاسكي بطريقة صحيحة : 6 كلاب الهاسكي مع الاطفال وغيرها من الحيوانات الاليفة : الكلب الهاسكي وما يميزه عن باقي الكلاب Siberian Husky

10 Most Powerful Dogs in the World

There Are Several Types Of Dogs That Are Very Powerful, Possess Incredible Strength And Have Very Strong Bite Force. These Powerful Dogs Are Highly Demanding And Can Be Used For Various Purposes. In This Video, We Are Going To Discuss The Top 10 Most Powerful Dogs In The World.

These 10 Dogs Are Most Dangerous

There are some very dangerous animals on earth, but domesticated dogs are not. it’s unfair to callously label a dog as dangerous. Nevertheless, it can’t be helped that some dog breeds have more potential to cause serious harm if the dog were to decide to attack. Lastly, It is important to note however that most dogs are bred with the desire to please their masters. Thus most incidents involving dogs stem from improper training and harsh ownership. Therefore, we have listed 10 most dangerous dog breeds focus on the potential of a dog to cause serious injury. We hope you enjoyed it 🙏 For anything please contact us at:

Sarplaninac - TOP 10 Interesting Facts

Top 10 interesting facts about the Sarplaninac, a fluffy protective and independet dog breed. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Custom Dog Paintings - Facebook - Instagram - Short Sarplaninac description: Sarplaninac is very strong, large, muscular and robust dog with average height between 22-24 inches which is 56-62 cm and weight between 70-100 pounds which is 32-45 kg. Males under 56 cm and bitches under 54 cm are not eligible for breeding. Sarplaninac is ancient breed that was developed in the south eastern regions of Yugoslavia – today Serbia and Macedonia. They got their name from Sharplanina Mountain range where are the most common. But we are not sure, how they got into this region. One theory believed, that they came to Europe from Asia in the course of the prehistoric mass migrations. Sarplaninac coat is around 4 inches long, which is around 10 cm and it is very dense and evenly ...